Activities for the over 50s in Ashfield and Mansfield

The Lifestyles Service (click picture to download booklet) helps older people who are at risk of falls to access the support they need; ensuring that they access all the help that is available to them.
Lifestyles is a non-clinical support service for people aged 50 and over. It aims to raise awareness of and prevent slips, trips and falls and also aims to reduce social isolation.
Our Lifestyles Co-ordinator typically visits people in their own home, identifies their needs, signposts them to services which address their physical needs and then talks to them about activities which are of interest to them. One of the team can go along with them to the first session of an art class, chair based exercise, or lunch club, for example, to break the ice and make it feel like a less daunting experience. This is the aspect of the project which makes the real difference and can quite literally be life changing. People who are withdrawn, isolated and depressed, develop a social network and friendships and significantly improve their quality of life, as well as accessing the support services they need
We can provide information about how to reduce the risk of falling and if required provide details of other agencies who may be able to assist with the difficulties they are experiencing. We can provide details of activities and groups available in the service users area and if required we can accompany them to their first session. The Lifestyles project covers the Mansfield and Ashfield area (excluding Hucknall).We welcome referrals for any service users you think would benefit from our service. We can provide all this information in presentation/display stand form at your local community groups, staff teams and health information events.
For more information contact:
Samantha Clarke, Lifestyles Coordinator
01623 555 551