National NHS Digital opt-out programme update

Joining the Dots

We are planning to use your data in smart ways to help improve the wellness of the people in our community.

By joining up the data dots between different organisations we can see the bigger picture that helps us to improve local health, prevent illnesses and ensure public money is better spent.

The application to use your data was reviewed by the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG). They are an independent group of lay people and professionals which provides expert advice on the use of confidential patient information without consent. CAG recommended that our application should be supported, and the Secretary of State for Health approved this.

Keeping your data safe

Any information we hold is protected by the highest levels of security. To help improve the health of people in our area we analyse information from health and care records and share data with other Public Sector organisations. However, this will never include your name or anything that could identify you. All these organisations are required to follow strict data protection law.

This project is supported by GP practices, hospitals and NHS provider teams across Nottinghamshire and focuses on improving the delivery of care to patients. It is important to us that you have control over the use of data about you and how your data is stored and managed.For further information about this project or if you would like to opt out of your information being shared for this purpose, please contact Katie Swinburn on Mobile: 07385360071 or email

If you’d like to opt out of your confidential patient information being used nationally, please contact the National NHS Digital opt-out programme on 0300 303 5678, (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays).

If you require this leaflet in a different language, please text or call Katie Swinburn on Mobile: 07385 360071 or email

You can download this poster below as a PDF.

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