Notice to all Willowbrook Patients

Notice to all Willowbrook Patients

Dear Patient

I would like to inform you that I will stepping down as Chairperson of the Willowbrook Patient Participation Group (PPG) at the Annual General Meeting on Monday 12 March 2018.

I have been Chairperson for the last six years and have been involved, along with group members, with helping improve patient experience both at practice level and in wider local health involvement.

I would like to thank all those who have supported me over the years and look forward to the group to continue to develop under the direction of a new Chairperson.

A new Chairperson will be voted for at the AGM and the Practice is looking for any interested patient to put their name forward for the role.

If you would like to know more about the role we are happy to discuss the requirements with you.

For more information please contact Stephanie Chapman, Assistant Practice Manager, at Willowbrook Medical Practice.

Full details of the AGM will follow in the next few weeks and we hope to have a good turnout from patients.

Thank you for your support

Steve Shaw

Chairperson – Willowbrook Medical Practice PPG

Diary Date:  Willowbrook Patient Participation Group AGM – Monday 12th March 2018, 6.00pm. (open to all patients)