Practice Team


Dr Andrew Watts (m)
Senior Partner MB ChB DRCOG MRCGP University of Sheffield 1994

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Surgery days:

Dr Christopher Woods (m)
GP Partner MB ChB BSc(Hons) DRCOG MRCGP University of Leicester 1996.

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Surgery days:

Dr Nicole Freeman (f)
GP Partner MB BS MRCGP DRCOG 1989 Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School.

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Surgery days:

Dr Carter Singh MBE (m)
GP Partner B.Sc. (Hons), MBBS (Distinction), FRCGP, FFMLM, FRSPH, FRSA, DRCOG, DFSRH, Guy's, King's & St. Thomas' School of Medicine, London

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Surgery days:

Dr Jenkins (m)
GP Partner B Med Sci (Hons) BM BS MRCGP University of Nottingham 1984.

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Surgery days:

GP Registrars

Dr Sekinat Adejumobi (f)
GP Registrar ST1 (Dec 24 - Apr 25)

Dr Tunbosun Ogunleye (m)
GP Registrar ST2 (Dec 24 to Apr 25)

Dr Tis Pathtirannehelage Rajasri (f)
GP Registrar ST2 (Dec 24 to Apr 25)

Dr Hannah Starling (f)
GP Registrar ST1 (Dec 24 - Apr 25)

Dr Aimen Habib (f)
GP Registrar ST1 (Dec 24 - Apr 25)

Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Ruth Marshall (f)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Jacqui Burke (f)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Practice Nurses

Mrs Sally Hughes (f)
Nurse Prescriber, RGN

Mrs Wendy Woolley (f)
Practice Nurse, RGN

Mrs Tina Thomas (f)
Practice Nurse, RGN

Health Care Assistants & Phlebotomists

Mrs Karon Douglas (f)
Healthcare Assistant

Mrs Susan Stafford (f)
Healthcare Assistant

Mrs Natalie Wells (f)

Mrs Michelle Shaw (f)

Microsuction Nurse

Mrs Hazel McGlashan (f)

Practice Management

Rebekah Lea (f)
Practice Manager

Miss Stephanie Chapman (f)
Assistant Practice Manager


Mr Sebastian Gregory (m)

Miss Anmol Khan (f)

Ms Fatma Ammar (f)


Mrs Mehwish Niaz (f)
First Contact Physio

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Mr Gokul Krishnan (m)
First Contact Physio

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Mental Health Occupational Therapist (MHOT)

Jo (f)
Click to read more about Mental Health Occupational Therapists

Mental Health Practitioner

Idah Nzuma (f)

IT Support

Kate T (f)
IT & Resource Lead

Cassie Leathen (f)
Digital Inclusion Coordinator (PCN Based)

Other Staff

Other Healthcare Professionals

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We work closely with other healthcare professionals such as District Nurses, Health Visitors and Midwives, who are not directly employed by the practice, but who work as part of the practice team delivering services to our patients.


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A private area of the reception desk is available for confidential discussions between reception staff and patients. You may talk to them and seek advice from them in confidence and they will advise whom you should best see if your problem requires further attention.

We have a large team of Receptionists who are happy to help you with any aspect of making appointments for the various clinics we run. They are here to help you. They have a difficult job dealing with telephone calls and enquiries from all directions.


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All staff help to keep the practice organised and running smoothly, as well as answering the telephone and performing clerical duties.

We have a team of Administration staff who are responsible for the back office duties at the Practice. They work within guidelines and procedures of the practice and at the direction of the Doctors so that we are able to give you medical care in the most appropriate way.

We have one full-time & three part-time medical secretaries who work hard to ensure your referrals are processed efficiently within the specified time limits.

We also employ an IT & Resource Lead to deal with any computer & technical problems and a dedicated Clinical Auditor & Summariser, who ensures your clinical records meets the relevant Government guidelines to ensure best possible care.

Training practice

As a practice we are committed to supporting the training of healthcare professionals. At times we may have student doctors or nurses; qualified doctors at an early stage of their career (GP Registrars); trainee midwives; health visitors or other professionals working with our experienced staff.

GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors who are completing their advanced training to enable them to become future general practitioners.  For purposes of training they occasionally consult in a video surgery and we will always seek your permission before booking you into one of the clinics.  These doctors also consult in joint surgeries with their GP trainer present.

We will always ask your permission before you see any trainee professional and refusing to see them will never affect your right to see an alternative clinician of your choice.

Training in the practice is led by Drs Jenkins, Watts, Woods and Freeman.

GP net earnings

All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.

The average pay for GPs working in Willowbrook Medical Practice in the financial year ended 30 June 2022 was £176,735 before tax and national insurance.

This is for 3 full time GPs and 2 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than 6 months.